quarta-feira, outubro 11, 2006

Personalidades no Atypi | Atypi personalities: ELLEN LUPTON

Todos os dias vou falar sobre uma das personalidades presentes no Atypi Lisboa2006.
Começo com Ellen Lupton, designer que se dedicou à tipografia tendo contribuído bastante para a difusão e o conhecimento desta áreas do Design. Publicou "Thinking with Type: A Critical Guide for Designers, Writers, Editors and Students" e mais recentemente "DIY: Design it Yourself" entre outras publicações.

Everyday I will give some informations about few personalities presents in ATYPI Lisbon2006. I start with Ellen Lupton, designer dedicated to typography has contributed greatly to knowledge about typography. She is author of "Thinking with Type: A Critical Guide for Designers, Writers, Editors and Students" and recently "DIY: Design it Yourself".

Metropolis Magazine - Speaking Graphically with Ellen Lupton

Typotheque: Ellen Lupton

Typographica: Ellen Lupton’s Thinking with Type

Ellen Lupton: Design Writing Research

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